அன்றும் இன்றும் - Past and Present

Well  I am sure, everyone  will feel nostalgic about the childhood days . I was just trying to correlate what my son has got now and what I had that time. Those sweet nothings of our childhood days seem missing for our kids but they are better off in some places. lets take a sneak peek into our early days  and compare with current day kutties lives.
Well school for us was fun. Not sure if our Kids will feel the same . My son (just 4.25 years) feels so happy to cut school on bandh days of Hyderabad. It will be bonus when there is no music classes as well for him that day.
I believe everyone will remember their KG and primary school friends even today and if you are lucky like me , you might be in touch with some of them as well. We had very good set of சமத்து பசங்க. RP , முண்டை கண்ணன் , மாரியாத்தா , கெழவன் , குதிரை , நீலகண்டன், malayalathan , பூனை கண்ணன் just to name a few.. When i write this I am remembered of how Vijay's dad pulls up otteri nari , vovval and other gud named samaritans in Gilli .
I am a studious guy but still had so much fun just because of the set of friends. Too much to write so will just pen down them so that I dont forget to write about them in forthcoming posts.
சூடு கொட்டை, குண்டுமணி , கல்லாங்கோல், காத்தாடி , பம்பரம் , மாங்காய் பத்தை, பலூன், drama ..

Lot of my non-tamil friends wanted translations as much as possible . so for them:
சூடு கொட்டை - A seed that generates heat while rubbing on floor ,
குண்டுமணி - A bright red seed ,
கல்லாங்கோல் - stone tied to Manja thread to capture stray kites,
காத்தாடி- Kite ,
பம்பரம் - Top ,
மாங்காய் பத்தை - A slice of unripened mango thats cut beautifully with salt/chilli powder spread on it,
பலூன் - baloon ,
drama ..



hi said...

thambi superda. i am reminded of my old good days but i dont remember whether i was ussr or indiain bambaram world championship -akka

Partha said...

You were USSR I think..